"He mana tō te kupu"
"Words have great power"
Definitely a favourite phrase in Te Reo Māori! "He mana tō te kupu" - "Words have great power"
Sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget to be aware.
Awareness of thoughts, mental state of our minds, physical body, surroundings and influencers in our lives.
When is the last time you have checked yourself? As soon as we loose awareness, we can give power to the words that surround us and enter our minds. Are the words currently around you Positive or Negative?
There is a Grounding Technique one can use to be more aware. This technique can also be used with individuals who struggle with Anxiety and Panic Attacks. This the technique is designed to calm a person and to ground them in the present. Forcing them to be Mindfull.
5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique
5 - Acknowledge FIVE things that you can see in your immediate surroundings
4 - Acknowledge FOUR things you can touch
3 - Acknowledge THREE things you can hear (External not your thoughts)
2 - Acknowledge TWO things you can smell
1 - Acknowledge ONE thing you can taste
Repeat this untill you feel that your awareness is re-entering your body.
Deep Breathing Technique
When you are doing this technique because of Anxiety and Panic Attacks, start off with a Deep Breathing Technique. Breath in with your nose for 5 seconds, hold the breath for 5 seconds, and breath out with your mouth for 5 seconds. Continue this pattern until you find your thoughts slowing down or until necessary. While doing this exercise, try to breath with your diaphragm. Meaning, if you place your hand just above your tummy and your breath in, then this area will inflate with air. That indicates that you are breathing deep breaths instead of shallow breaths that serves no purpose for our bodies.
This breathing technique is extremely helpfull during stressful situations as it forces the mind to calm down and to be in the present. Stopping the flow of anxious thoughts and the release of cortisol in the brain (See my blog "Your Brain & The Roller Coaster" for a deeper understanding of how your brain works during a stressful situation). If you are struggling to sleep at night and have running thoughts, do the Breathing Technique as it might help you to calm your thoughts. This is also a great technique to teach students and they can use it before writing a test or exam.
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